Following Meghan Markle’s investment in Cesta Collective, the luxury brand is under scrutiny for its treatment of Rwandan artisans. These skilled workers reportedly earn as little as 82p per day for creating handbags that sell for hundreds of pounds. The disparity has raised serious ethical concerns. Criticism has been levelled against both the brand and its high-profile backers.
Rwandan artisans work long hours weaving intricate designs, yet remain in poverty. Cesta Collective’s handbags are marketed as ethically produced, but the conditions of the artisans tell a different story. As these revelations come to light, the brand faces mounting pressure to address and rectify these issues. The situation highlights a significant ethical dilemma in the fashion industry.
Artisan Wages Under Scrutiny
Artisans working for Cesta Collective earn staggeringly low wages, reportedly as little as 82p for a full workday. This equates to just over 10p per hour. Many workers must also cover their own material costs and rent workspace, further reducing their take-home pay. Conditions such as these cast doubt on the brand’s ethical claims.
Disparity in Earnings and Retail Pricing
Despite earning so little, the artisans live in basic conditions, with cramped housing and corrugated metal roofs. The affluent lifestyle enjoyed by the company’s founders starkly contrasts with the struggles faced by these women.
Founders’ Lavish Lifestyles
The company’s claims of paying Rwandan women significantly above the national average were quietly reconsidered post-Markle’s investment. Official statements maintain that wage determination occurs through partnership with the intermediary, All Across Africa.
Contested Ethical Standards
The women are neither full-time employees nor shareholders in Cesta Collective, adding to the precariousness of their positions. The brand’s narrative of ethical standards is challenged by these working conditions.
Immediate Reactions and Backlash
The spotlight is now on Cesta Collective, with expectations that the brand will take actionable steps towards ensuring fair compensation and ethical business practices.
A Questionable Future for Ethical Fashion
This case highlights the need for robust ethical standards and practices within the industry. Brands praised for their commitment to empowerment must genuinely reflect these values in their business models.
Meghan Markle’s Role Examined
Despite being seen as a champion of women’s rights, Markle faces criticism for potentially endorsing exploitative practices. Her association with Cesta Collective brings added scrutiny to their business operations.
Moving Forward: What Needs to Change
For the brand, a shift towards transparency and accountability could help regain consumer trust. Meghan Markle’s involvement may serve as a catalyst for change in the industry.
The Precarious State of Rwandan Artisans
Rwandan artisans express a desire for wages that truly reflect the value of their work. Their continued struggles highlight the gap between luxury branding and artisan realities.
Cesta Collective’s current situation underscores the complex intersection of ethics and commerce. As scrutiny increases, both the brand and its investors are urged to prioritise the well-being of the artisans above profit. It is a critical moment for reassessing values and ensuring that all stakeholders benefit fairly.
The revelations surrounding Cesta Collective raise important ethical concerns. The brand must address these disparities to rebuild trust and demonstrate its commitment to fair practices. It is crucial for companies to align their claimed values with their actions.